Canadian businesses are typically fairly knowledgeable and savvy when it comes to technology. By necessity, however, most businesspeople do not have intimate knowledge of the behind-the-scenes processes that make the internet work. Hopefully, more Canadian businesspeople will learn about the salutary advantages of using a DNS firewall. To fully explain what you should know about the DNS firewall, it is helpful to start with a quick primer on DNS. Also called the domain name system, DNS is essentially the connective tissue of the internet. A kind of virtual address book, DNS is the fundamental technology that allows your browser to find your favorite websites To a layperson, using the web is as simple as typing in something like “MyFavoriteWebsite.Com.” On a basic level, however, internet IP addresses look like this: 4.382.43.99. DNS is the system that converts the alphanumeric URL you type into the numeric IP address that truly identifies a remote server in the network.
Why The World Needs More Open Source DNS Servers
By now, domain name system (DNS) servers have achieved a fair amount of exposure in the public eye. This is largely due to the fact that unknown hacker groups have brazenly used distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to bring many DNS servers to a crashing halt. Since these hacking attacks regularly make front-page news, the general public is more aware than ever that DNS is the backbone of the Web However, far fewer people realize that the Internet needs more open source domain name service if DDoS is to become a rare occurrence once more.
7 Features of An IPAM Software Which Make Your Life Easy
You might be wondering what an IP Address Management Software does, right? IP address management is related completely to the way Internet Protocol address space is used in a network. It is a means of planning, tracking and managing the address space in the network. Now, if you will observe closely, the name of the software says it all. It is a software that eliminates IP conflicts and saves time by managing DHCP, DNS and IP addresses. Managing multiple IP Addresses is not the task you’d like to handle without such software backing you up whenever things get tricky. The key features of IP address management software are as follows: 1. Automated IP Address Management IP management software has the feature of automated subnet discovery and scanning of the IP addresses which scours the network so that the user gets a clear idea of the use pattern of IPs. 2. Conflict Alert And Troubleshooting: A good software always detects the conflicts between the IPs, or the cases where DNS entries won’t match. Also, it is capable of tracking the depletion […]
The Greatest Diversion on the Internet
One of the most overlooked security measures in today’s enterprise is what some call the “IT Perimeter.” This is the border between the inside of your company and the outside world. All communications between employee systems and outside web domains, even for e-mail, must travel across this electronic bridge. Additional resources can be found at BlueCat Networks.